14 February 2008

Alignment of Local NRM Data Project – Sydney Metro CMA

In September last year the Sydney Metropolitan CMA (SMCMA) initiated a NHT-funded project to identify the range, quality and value of the local natural resource data being collected within the catchment area. The project aim is to identify opportunities to establish more cooperative arrangements with respect to monitoring, evaluation and reporting (MER) on natural resource issues. This will ultimately generate more meaningful information to inform natural resource policy, investment and decision-making by councils, the SMCMA and other natural resource managers.

To date nearly all of the 39 councils in the SMCMA area have been contacted to participate in the survey. In recognising the timing and resourcing issues facing councils, the response has generally been positive and data is starting to come in.

As part of the project a workshop was also held in mid December with almost 20 representatives from Local Government, CMAs and State government agencies involved in the state-wide NRM Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Strategy. The workshop provided an opportunity to share information on current MER activities, and to identify the roles and responsibilities and challenges facing the various stakeholders.

Some of the key issues raised in the workshop included the need for:

  • greater consistency in relation to: the selection of indicators, the range of parameters being monitored, and the protocols and standards for monitoring (e.g. design, sample analysis, evaluation); and
  • management commitment to on-going monitoring programs.

Workshop notes and presentations can be found here.

The next stage of the project (which is set to finish in June) will be to assess the value and quality of the available NRM data from a catchment perspective. This will be conducted in conjunction with the Theme Teams involved in the State-wide MER Strategy.

If you are interested in finding out more about the project contact Denise Day.

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