24 September 2008

REGIONAL NRM: Caring for our Country funding announcements for regional NRM bodies / CMAs in Qld, Vic, NSW, WA

Queensland regional NRM bodies Caring for our Country media release
28 July 2008
New funds support Queensland efforts for sustainable land management and more resilient ecosystems

Victorian CMAs Caring or our Country media release
12 September 2008
Victoria’s state emblem helped in new Caring for our Country funding package

NSW CMAs Caring for our Country media release
12 September 2008
Projects to boost the environment, sustainable farming in NSW

Western Australia regional NRM bodies Caring for our Country media release
19 September 2008
Caring for our Country supports Southern Wetlands and Northern Rangelands in WA

The media releases include summaries of the activities funded in each regional NRM body / CMA.