04 August 2010

Urban NRM News has moved!

Urban NRM News has changed to Urban Environment News - to go the new service please visit

27 June 2010

State of Australian Cities 2010 report

On 5 March 2010, the Australian Government launched the State of Australian Cities 2010 report. The report draws together existing data and information across a range of economic, social and environmental parameters to provide a national snapshot of the 17 Australian cities with populations over 100,000 at the 2006 Census. It also highlights emerging trends and issues to promote discussion and debate on managing growth and change in our urban centres.

The State of Australian Cities 2010 report progresses the cities agenda at the national level, setting the context and scope for further involvement by the Australian Government in urban policy and planning. The next stage will involve the development of a national cities strategy that outlines the Australian Government's approach to achieving more productive, liveable and sustainable cities in the future.

The full report and individual chapters can be downloaded by visiting the Infrastructure Australia - Major Cities Unit web page and scrolling down the page to the "What's New" section.

A new sort of ecology

Cities poses novel challenges to wildlife, but some animals are finding they're suited to city life and are undergoing rapid evolution in their new ecological niche. Read more in this COSMOS Magazine article.

23 May 2009

ENVIRONMENT: Your Planet Needs You Campaign, World Environment Day 5 June

Your Planet Needs You is a Landcare Australia and Coastcare joint campaign as a call to action, to get Australians motivated and engaged and doing something to help the planet on World Environment Day. So here is what Landcare Australia and Coastcare gathered about Australians:

  • WE CARE: Almost all (99%) Australians recognise that it is important that we take action to improve our environment from what it is today (59% extremely important, 28% very important, 12% quite important).
  • WE WANT TO HELP: 84% of Australians plan on doing something substantial to help the environment in the next week, 17% say they will volunteer.
  • WE DON’T KNOW HOW? Less than 1% of Australians actually volunteer to help the environment.
The aim of the Your Planet Needs You campaign is to make it easy for people to sign up to a volunteer register, tick some boxes to say what skills they can offer (it could be anything really from hosting a BBQ to driving and even walking), and spread the message.

Please promote the Your Planet Needs You campaign through your networks.

World Environment Day 2009, commemorated each year on 5 June, is one of the principal vehicles through which the United Nations stimulates worldwide awareness of the environment and enhances political attention and action. The theme for WED 2009 is 'Your Planet Needs You-UNite to Combat Climate Change'. It reflects the urgency for nations to agree on a new deal at the crucial climate convention meeting in Copenhagen some 180 days later in the year, and the links with overcoming poverty and improved management of forests.

SUSTAINABILITY: Sanctuary magazine sustainable house profiles

Visit Sanctuary magazine's sustainable house profiles page and click on the locations on the map to read articles about leading sustainable homes around Australia as featured in the highly regarded Sanctuary magazine.