The second National NRM Knowledge Conference had the theme Changing Landscapes and attracted 248 participants over two days on 15 - 16 April 2008. Thirty six papers were presented, divided into plenary and concurrent sessions. Plenary sessions were focused on the strategic issues facing regional NRM bodies, and concurrent sessions were aimed at sharing the breadth of experience and achievements in regions around the country. Most of the presentations are now available.
29 May 2008
Free Decision Advisory Service for regional NRM bodies launched
A free and independent Decision Advisory Service for regional NRM bodies has been launched by Land & Water Australia Knowledge for Regional NRM program. The service assists regional NRM bodies select approaches for decison making. Advice is provided by a team of consultants from RM Consulting Group (RMCG) and Symbolix.
Sydney events
- Manly Sustainability Fair Saturday 31st May & Sunday 1st June 2008.
- Australian Association of Bush Regenerators (AABR) walks & talks Honeysuckle Reserve Friday 13 June 2008 and Bushland Topsoil Translocation 26 September 2008.
- Macarthur Centre for Sustainable Living Backyard Chook Care with Jill Cockram workshop Saturday 14 June 2008 (and many other interesting events throughout 2008) (click on events & workshops in the menu on the left side of the page).
3rd Australian International Green Build, Design and Techology Show, Sydney 15 - 17 August 2008
A sustainable society requires innovative solutions for improving the quality of our lives - solutions that work harmoniously with the Earth's systems and across diverse cultures. Green TECH 08 is proud to present a international Trade Show and Conference with a core focus on green building, sustainable design and clean technology. Green TECH 08 special features include SRD ChangeX 08, Green Inventors Showcase, Eco House of the Future Competition and a Green Living Zone.
Public Transport Sustainability Workshop, Melbourne 8 July 2008
The Public Transport Sustainability Workshop will include a range of national and international specialists who will provide insights into the triple bottom line contributions that public transport makes towards greater sustainability, and there will be plenty of opportunity for attendees to contribute their own ideas and explore issues with speakers. The Workshop is being jointly presented by UITP (Australia/New Zealand) and Bus Association (Victoria), a signatory to the UITP Sustainability Charter. The timing is set to coincide with Day 2 of the 2008 BusExpo and Conference, the largest transport and trade show in Australia. UITP is the international organisation for public transport authorities and operators, policy decision-makers, scientific institutes and the public transport supply and service industry.
National Sustainable Procurement Conference, Brisbane 18 - 19 September 2008
At the National Sustainable Procurement Conference 2008 you can:
The National Sustainable Procurement Conference 2008 is the fourth in the conference series formerly know as the National Buying Green Conferences. Attendance is recommended for government or business organisations interested in integrating sustainability considerations into their procurement practices, and for suppliers of sustainably preferred products.
New Book - Sydney's Natural World
The beauty and variety of Sydney’s landscape and ecosystems are brought into stunning focus in Sydney's Natural World by John Martyn of STEP Inc. Publisher STEP Inc. is a substantial Sydney-based environment group that believes that urban environmentalism is much more than fighting against destruction and degradation. STEP contends that it is essential to educate and inspire the community to appreciate what we have if the battle against the unthinking and the destroyers is to be won. Sydney's Natural World is an important step in that education and inspiration program; it shows beautifully just what STEP is fighting to conserve and what will be lost if we fail to be vigilant.
2nd Annual Green Roofs Australia Conference, Brisbane 18 - 20 June 2008
The rapidly growing Green Roof and Wall industry is providing a realistic and tangible response to the climate change challenges many cities are currently facing. Green roofs and walls can make a unique contribution to the quality of our urban environment. Few technologies have ever had so much to offer by way of improving the health and well being of urban residents, while contributing to the development of restorative, high performance buildings. Delegates, speakers, exhibitors and sponsors at the 2nd Annual Green Roofs Australia Conference will provide you with a unique opportunity to share, learn, network and have fun while being a part of a new industry, a new living architecture that integrates the living and non living into restorative and healing buildings.
Going Green Expo Melbourne 5 - 8 June 2008
Sustainable commerce and living makes environmental & economic good sense. See the latest new "green" ideas and sustainable commercial developments at the Going Green Expo and find out how you can help save the environment and save money!
New Sustainability Jobs Australia group
Sustainability Jobs Australia is a new group exclusively for posting job opportunities or vacancies in sustainability (including environment, health & safety, ethics, accountability, sustainability, corporate social responsibility, and development) in Australia and of interest to Australians.
Community Coastcare Grants now open
Community Coastcare is an element of the Australian Government’s $2.25 billion Caring for our Country initiative providing grants to help local communities better protect our precious coastal environment. Community Coastcare will provide two levels of funding: small grants up to $50,000 and larger-scale grants up to $250,000.
Queensland Landcare Conference to include urban and peri-urban sustainablity workshop
The theme of this year's Queensland Landcare Conference is Infinity: Sustainability by Design. The conference will have four streams which focus on sustainability, being landscapes, lifestyles, livelihoods and landspeak. The Conference includes much that would be of interest to the readers of Urban NRM News including a workshop on sustainability in urban and peri-urban catchments.
Systems Approach to Regional Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in Metropolises project
First National Local Government Environment Conference, Cairns 9 – 13 July 2008
Don't miss the 1st National Local Government Environment Conference where you will hear the latest in thinking from national and state environmental experts including case studies from councils across Australia. The Conference theme, Valuing the Environment will draw out the opportunities and challenges for councils in managing and adapting to climate change, natural resource management, sustainable purchasing, land use planning and waste management.