30 September 2008

BIODIVERSITY: New Adelaide Urban Forest Biodiversity Program website

The new Adelaide Urban Forest Biodiversity Program website 'Backyards for Wildlife' has been created to provide information and resources on Adelaide’s biodiversity, wildlife gardening and associated activities. The Backyards for Wildlife website provides:

  • plant lists for the 21 identified naturally occurring vegetation ‘environments’ across Adelaide
  • detailed information about more than 130 recommended local native plants
  • advice on how to use plants and other features to attract and support local wildlife
  • fact sheets and an information booklet

BIODIVERSITY, BUILT ENVIRONMENT: Proceedings of 9th National Street Tree Symposium 2008 now available

The full 2008 proceedings can be downloaded here (4 MB). Proceedings and papers for the 2000 to 2008 Symposia can be downloaded here.

SUSTAINABILITY, BUILT ENVIRONMENT: World Standards Day 14 October 2008, 'Intelligent and sustainable buildings'

The theme of this year's World Standards Day message is "Intelligent and sustainable buildings". With a world population that has more than doubled since 1950 and is steadily moving into urban areas – half the world population is expected to be living in an urban environment by the end of 2008 – the building and construction industry has grown into one of the largest industry sectors with immense consequences for all three dimensions of sustainable development – economic, social and environmental.

International standards help to ensure not only basic quality and safety requirements, but also the incorporation of new technologies for the construction and operation of intelligent and sustainable buildings.

World Standards Day is celebrated each year on 14 October to pay tribute to the efforts of thousands of experts worldwide who collaborate within IEC, ISO and ITU to develop voluntary International Standards that facilitate trade, spread knowledge and disseminate technological advances.

CLIMATE: Final Report of Garnaut Climate Change Review released

The Garnaut Climate Change Review has been commissioned by Australia's Commonwealth, state and territory governments to examine the impacts, challenges and opportunities of climate change for Australia. A Draft Report was released on 4 July 2008. The Supplementary Draft Report Targets and trajectories was released on 5 September 2008. The Final Report has now been released.

BUILT ENVIRONMENT: "Darwin traditional owners clash over Inpex development"

ABC News
29 September 2008

Last week's announcement on the Inpex development has sparked a war of words between the two groups representing interests of Darwin's traditional owners.

On Friday, the Japanese energy company announced plans to build a $12 billion gas plant at Blaydin Point on Darwin Harbour...

Read the full article here.

TOXIC WASTE: "Govt to test lake for toxic waste"

The Canberra Times
29 September 2008

The ACT Government will test Lake Ginninderra for chemicals and heavy metals after revelations of widespread contamination at the nearby former Belconnen Naval Transmission Station.

Secret Defence reports obtained by The Canberra Times showed the 143ha Lawson site was heavily contaminated by toxic waste. They raised concerns that high levels of heavy metals had been found in Lake Ginninderra sediment and water samples...

Read the full article here.

28 September 2008

FUNDING: Green Precincts Fund call for expressions of interest

The Green Precincts Fund was announced in the 2008-09 Federal Budget, with funding of $15 million over four years to support at least 10 high-profile demonstration projects. The projects must deliver water and energy efficiency savings while at the same time educating the community about water and energy efficiency. The Green Precincts Fund supports both the Government's 10-year $12.9 billion Water for the Future plan to secure the long-term water supply for all Australians, as well as the Solar Homes and Communities plan to encourage local communities to better mange their water and energy use for current and future generations.

The Australian Government is looking to work with community organisations, sporting clubs and state and local government. Eligible funding recipients must be incorporated in Australia. Funding is capped at 50 per cent of eligible costs, with minimum funding of $500,000, up to a maximum of $1.5 million (GST exclusive) per project proposal.

FOOD SUSTAINABILITY: Sustaining Victorian Food and Farming from paddock to plate

With funding from the William Buckland Foundation, this project commissioned by the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) is exploring the future of the Victorian food system (from paddock to plate) in a carbon, water and energy-constrained world. The draft background paper can be downloaded here in either low resolution (small files) or high resolution (large files). A workshop in Melbourne on 3 October will discuss this paper and start to develop ideas that will be further explored in a shorter propositions document that will be launched in late November.

The project is being carried out by Andrew Campbell of Triple Helix Consulting (formerly Executive Director of Land & Water Australia).

CLIMATE, REGIONAL NRM: Climate resources for regional NRM bodies / CMAs

A Climate Change Primer for Regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) (1.3 MB download)
This paper reviews the science around regional climate change impacts in a primer targeted at the Board members and senior staff of regional NRM and catchment bodies.

Climate Change and CMAs (3.5 MB download)
Presentation to the Chairs and CEOs of Victorian Catchment Management Authorities in Melbourne on 18 September 2008.

Both of these resources have been prepared by Andrew Campbell of Triple Helix Consulting (formerly Executive Director of Land & Water Australia).

WASTE MGMT, BUILT ENVIRONMENT: "Tip housing plan fuels fears of gas pollution"

The West Australian
26 September 2008

Plans to build houses on top of the old South Fremantle tip have triggered fears of methane gas contamination such as one which caused residents in Melbourne’s Brookland Greens estate to evacuate their homes.

Residents and environmental experts say disturbing the tip, which abuts the South Beach Village estate, could release toxic gases or trigger explosions...

Read the full article here.

ENERGY EFFICIENCY, BUILT ENVIRONMENT: "Being green should be easy"

The Herald Sun
26 September 2008

FAMILIES who retro-fit homes to make them more energy efficient should get help from the Federal Government, a sustainable building group says.

And developers should get tax breaks for boosting energy efficiency in new homes, the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council says.

Its climate-change task-group chairman, David Parken, said retro-fitting homes would save struggling families money on power bills and cut carbon emissions by about 10 per cent and the cost of carbon permits by 14 per cent...

Read the full article here.

ENV EDUCATION, NSW: Write it up! workshops Sydney and South Coast

The Write it up! program has been developed by the Australian Association for Environmental Education to assist educators write up case studies of their projects. Write it up! workshops will be held at:

  • North Sydney on Tuesday 14 October, with RSVPs due by Thursday 9 October.
  • Bega on Friday 17 October, with RSVPs due by Monday 13 October.
To obtain workshop fliers please email Faith Thomas at Living Schools. The Write it up! guide is available for download here.

SUSTAINABILITY, TRANSPORT: "Green-aware people 'key drivers of global warming'"

The Age
25 September 2008

PEOPLE who believe they have the greenest lifestyles are often the main culprits behind global warming, say researchers who claim that many ideas about sustainable living are a myth.

According to the researchers, people who regularly recycle rubbish and save energy at home are the most likely to take frequent long-haul flights.

Research leader Stewart Barr, of Exeter University in England, said: "Green living is largely something of a myth. There is this middle-class environmentalism where being green is part of the desired image. But another part of the desired image is to fly off skiing twice a year. And the carbon savings they make by not driving their kids to school will be obliterated by pollution from their flights."...

Read the full article here.

24 September 2008

REGIONAL NRM: Caring for our Country funding announcements for regional NRM bodies / CMAs in Qld, Vic, NSW, WA

Queensland regional NRM bodies Caring for our Country media release
28 July 2008
New funds support Queensland efforts for sustainable land management and more resilient ecosystems

Victorian CMAs Caring or our Country media release
12 September 2008
Victoria’s state emblem helped in new Caring for our Country funding package

NSW CMAs Caring for our Country media release
12 September 2008
Projects to boost the environment, sustainable farming in NSW

Western Australia regional NRM bodies Caring for our Country media release
19 September 2008
Caring for our Country supports Southern Wetlands and Northern Rangelands in WA

The media releases include summaries of the activities funded in each regional NRM body / CMA.

REGIONAL NRM: "CMAs OK for now: Cuts but jobs stay"

The Standard [Warrnambool Vic]
13 September 2008

THE Federal Government yesterday slashed catchment management authority funding by 40 per cent - forcing one south-west waterway manager to seek private sector funds.

The Government announced funding packages for its Caring for Our Country scheme, which replaced three programs, including The National Heritage Trust.

It confirmed what The Standard revealed a month ago and, at the time, the Government and local CMAs dismissed - that there would be massive cuts...

Read the full article here.

WATER, ENV EDUCATION: Sydney Groundwater Education Workshops

The Sydney Coastal Councils Group, Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils and Southern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils are pleased to present the Groundwater Education Workshop Series.

The aim of the Groundwater Education Workshop Series is to deliver a series of free workshops, information and training on sustainable groundwater management targeting councils and industry. The education materials and CD-ROM provided at the workshop will integrate information on the regulatory aspects of groundwater management with increased awareness of the dynamic nature of groundwater. Participants will also discover groundwater issues with a hands-on demonstration using a sand tank model.

WATER: "Garrett accused of being a water wally"

Herald Sun
18 September 2008

THE federal Opposition has accused the Rudd Government of being "water wallies" for approving the Sugarloaf water pipeline project in Victoria.

The Federal Government last week backed the 70km pipeline that will connect the Goulburn River system to Melbourne's water supply...

Read the full article here.

WATER: "Swedish city turns the tap on bottled water"

19 September 2008

STOCKHOLM (AFP) - Sweden's second city Gothenburg has decided to stop buying bottled water due to environmental concerns and will only provide civil servants with tap water, a city councillor said Thursday...

Read the full article here.

TRANSPORT: "Life in suburbs drives emissions higher"

The Australian
19 September 2008

WORKING families living on the edges of Australia's urban sprawl are generating up to 10 times more greenhouse emissions in their cars than those from the inner city, according to new research.

The study by Parsons Brinkerhoff and Curtin University shows the same outer suburbs that put Kevin Rudd into power are increasingly expensive to build and service, driving worseningeconomic, environmental and social costs.

With transport accounting for around half of an average Australian household's greenhouse footprint, inner city residents could be generating just half the emissions of those living out in the mortgage belt...

Read the full article here.

RENEWABLES: A Solar Suburb within a Solar City

The Hon Peter Garrett AM MP
Media Release
13 September 2008

The $32 million Solar City in Townsville will help the local community save energy, save money and reduce carbon pollution, Environment Minister Peter Garrett said today.

Visiting Magnetic Island for the launch of the Smart Lifestyle Centre at Horseshoe Bay, Mr Garrett said the Magnetic Island Solar Suburb would be the main component of Townsville Solar City, with the installation of 2500 smart meters, 1700 household energy audits and an estimated 500 solar photovoltaic systems installed on residential rooftops.

“Magnetic Island residents are already coming on board with 31 PV solar systems and 54 smart meters already installed and a massive 35,785 watts from old light bulbs replaced with energy efficient ones. This community is so eager to embrace green living that over 100 homes have already participated in energy audits.”...

Read the full media release here.

BUILT ENVIRONMENT: Environmental assessment of urban development at Molonglo and North Weston

Media Release
The Hon Peter Garrett AM MP, Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts
The Hon Andrew Barr MP, ACT Government Minister for Planning
16 September 2008

In a landmark agreement, the Australian and ACT Governments will conduct the first strategic environmental assessment in Australia for urban development.

ACT Minister for Planning, Andrew Barr said urban development in the Molonglo Valley is a key part of the Government’s strategy to develop Canberra on an environmentally sustainable basis. The strategic assessment will ensure that development in Molonglo and North Weston is carried out in an environmentally sustainable way...

Read the full media release here.

WASTE MGMT, BUILT ENVIRONMENT: "EPA warning of methane hazard ignored"

The Age
19 September 2008

A STATE Government panel ignored warnings eight years ago that building homes within 500 metres of landfill in Cranbourne could create a "significant risk".

The panel, appointed by former planning minister John Thwaites, gave advice on the rezoning of land that is now the subject of a methane scare.

The potentially explosive gas has escaped the landfill site and penetrated homes. The Country Fire Authority is advising residents that their safest option is to leave...

Read the full article here.

ENV EDUCATION, NSW: Write it up! workshops Newcastle and Illawarra

The Write it up! program has been developed by the Australian Association for Environmental Education to assist educators write up case studies of their projects. Write it up! workshops will be held at:

  • Newcastle on Wednesday Friday 10 October, with RSVPs due by Monday 6 October.
  • Nowra on Monday 13 October, with RSVPs due by Wednesday 8 October.
To obtain workshop fliers please email Faith Thomas at Living Schools. The Write it up! guide is available for download here.

BIODIVERSITY: "Koala's future in danger: zoologist"

The Sydney Morning Herald
22 September 2008

Australia's iconic koala is headed for extinction unless there are changes in how populations are managed, a leading academic says...

..."The loss of habitat and urban development, the increase of disease, the potential harm of climate change and attacks from other animals all impact the survival of the koala."...

Read the full article here.

BIODIVERSITY: Sydney Threatened Species Demonstration Sites Project Field Days

The Threatened Species Demonstration Sites Project is a joint project between the Sydney Metropolitan CMA and NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change (DECC). This project is establishing 11 demonstration sites aimed at showing what can be achieved to conserve priority threatened species.

The following Demonstration Site Field Days are being held:

  • 11th October - Cox's Ck reserve at Greenacre (Cooks River EEC)
  • 18th October - Cabramatta Creek Flying-fox Reserve
  • 25th October - Campbell Hill Reserve at Guildford (Cumberland Plain Woodland EEC)
  • 29th October - Centennial Parklands (Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub EEC)
  • Sydney Turpentine Ironbark Forest at North Ryde tentatively 1st weekend in November
  • Duffys Forest EEC at Belrose 2nd weekend in November
For more information contact Lyndsay Holme
Project Officer Threatened Species Demonstration Sites
NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change
Tel. 9585 6826 Fax 9585 6442 (Mon, Tues and Thurs)
Tel. 4739 6314 Fax 4739 6665 (Wed and Fri)

18 September 2008

BIODIVERSITY: Local Action for Biodiversity - A Series of Local Case Studies

Leading cities and towns show remarkable creativity in managing their biodiversity. This series of case studies illustrates a selection of local biodiversity-related activities from all regions of the world, demonstrating the economic, social and environmental benefits that the sustainable management of biodiversity can yield for cities.

ENVIRONMENT: UNEP urban environment newsletter September 2008

The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) urban environment newsletter September 2008 includes articles on:

  • Improving cities through localising Agenda 21
  • World Urban Forum 4 "Harmonious Urbanization", 3-6 November 2008, Nanjing China
  • Langfang: A Chinese harmonious city

WATER: "Rainwater tanks survive push to make them optional"

The Age
18 September 2008

RAINWATER tanks appear to have survived a high-level bid to drop them from Victoria's green building rules.

Senior Government sources have confirmed an "in-principle" decision by a cabinet sub-committee to retain tanks as part of the Government's revamp of the five-star building code, some detail of which is likely to be revealed next week...

Read the full article here.

CLIMATE, SUSTAINABILITY: "Green roofs growing in popularity"

The Sydney Morning Herald
17 September 2008

The sky's the limit when it comes to tackling the effects of climate change in our cities, writes Tim Elliott.

Whoever said it's a jungle out there had it all wrong. Modern cities are actually more like a giant, baking hot rock, a mass of flinty, impervious surfaces that radiate and multiply heat like a colossal concrete furnace.

This phenomenon, sometimes called the Urban Heat Island Effect, is well documented: the US Environmental Protection Agency says most American cities are up to 5.6 degrees hotter than the surrounding land cover. Less well documented is the role of green roofs in combating this effect and its associated impacts...

Read the full article here.

RENEWABLES: "Solar power use doubles in a year"

17 September 2008

THE number of South Australians who have solar panel systems in their homes has more than doubled in the past year, figures show.

ETSA Utilities figures provided to The Advertiser show 3700 homes have a solar system and are generating power for the electricity grid.

This is 2000 more systems than at the same time last year.

ETSA is receiving an average of 300 applications a month for systems to be connected to the grid, compared with 30 applications a month last year...

Read the full article here.

TRANSPORT: "Charge for congestion, says expert"

Brisbane Times
18 September 2008

Brisbane may not suit a London-style congestion tax, but could consider a "cordon-charging" scheme, a UK congestion charge expert said yesterday.

Now the RACQ wants Main Roads to again investigate whether there were future benefits for motorists because of the popularity of the E-toll technology...

Read the full article here.

TRANSPORT: "Motorists taxed on car efficiency by 2010"

15 September 2008

MOTORISTS could be taxed for driving pollution-pumping vehicles under a Federal Government plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

A Vehicle Fuel Efficiency discussion paper released by the Rudd Government yesterday laid out a number of "potential measures", which also included reducing the cost of state registration and stamp duty charges for energy-saving vehicles.

Read the full article here.

16 September 2008

REGIONAL NRM: "Protecting our natural resources from the ground up"

The Canberra Times
15 September 2008

Since 2001 the ACT and Australian Governments have invested more than $22million through programs such as the Natural Heritage Trust and the National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality, aimed at directly improving the natural resources of the ACT and supporting the capacity of the community to address natural resource issues. This investment is overseen by the ACT Natural Resources Management Council...

Read the full article here.

WATER: "Controversial water pipeline approved"

The Australian
12 September 2008

FEDERAL Environment Minister Peter Garrett has given the go-ahead to the controversial north-south pipeline in Victoria which will pump water from the state's north to Melbourne.

Mr Garrett said securing the water supply for Australia's urban populations was of fundamental importance...

Read the full article here.

WATER: "Brisbane Airport best in the world for water management "

Brisbane Airport Corporation Pty Limited (BAC) on Friday received the award for best water management in the world at the 2008 International Water Association (IWA) Awards in Vienna...

...The award recognised BAC’s implementation of the Brisbane Airport Sustainable Water Management Strategy. 2007/2008 saw potable water usage on Airport drop by 72% since the plan’s inception in 2004, growing to 87% in 2008 through further initiatives...

Read the full article here.

BUILT ENVIRONMENT: Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city

The newly announced Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city is the result of a collaborative agreement between China and Singapore to jointly develop a socially harmonious, environmentally friendly and resource-conserving city in China. Envisioned as a city where people live in harmony with one another, and where economic development will not be at the expense of the environment, the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city will serve as a model for sustainable development for cities in China and other parts of the world. When fully developed, the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city will be home to about 350,000 residents. Other eco-city developments in China include Dongtan eco-city.

15 September 2008

URBAN NRM NEWS UPDATE: Our new website address

Urban NRM News has a new website address - please update your bookmarks to www.urbannrm.net. Thank-you for supporting Urban NRM News!

SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT: Walk to Work Day 3 October 2008

The aims of Walk to Work Day (WTWD) are to:

  • Promote regular walking as a healthy activity (better physical, mental & social health)
  • Reduce the reliance on the private motor vehicle (reduce car-dependency)
  • Promote and improve the use of public transport (less traffic)
  • Improve air quality by reducing unnecessary vehicle emissions (reduce global warming)
You can be a Walking Class Hero on Friday 3 October 2008 by simply walking all or part of the way to work. Use public transport and get off the bus, train, tram or ferry a few stops earlier and walk the rest of the way. Or take a half-hour walk at lunch-time. And where possible, walk up stairs. But, PLEASE, leave the car at home. If you have to drive, leave the car at least a kilometre or two from your destination and walk the remaining distance.

All employers and managers are urged to set an example by participating and encouraging all employees to walk as part of commuting to work. They can start promoting the event by linking their website to the WTWD website. Active transport (walking and cycling) and work-place physical activity programs have been shown to greatly reduce sick leave and increase productivity. Fact sheets and other material about the benefits of walking can be obtained from the WTWD website.

BIODIVERSITY: Finalised EPBC priority assessment list of threatened species, ecological communities and key threatening processes

The Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts has released the finalised priority assessment list for the assessment period commencing 1 October 2008. The list contains the threatened species, ecological communities and key threatening processes nominated for inclusion under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, that will be assessed by the Threatened Species Scientific Committee during the period stated. The most recent list includes species such as the koala and ecological communities such as Western Sydney's Cumberland Plain Woodlands.

WASTE MGMT, ENV EDUCATION: MobileMuster National Schools Recycling Challenge

MobileMuster is challenging all schools in Australia to see how many old mobile phones and accessories they can collect for recycling before the end of National Recycling Week 14 November 2008. To support this, MobileMuster is giving away Native Australian Trees for students to plant at their school. Rewards are based on total kgs collected. Participation in MobileMuster is free. Registrations close Friday 3 October 2008.

11 September 2008

BIODIVERSITY, SUSTAINABILITY: "Push on for UNESCO biosphere on Brisbane's outskirts "

The Courier Mail
26 August 2008

SCIENTISTS, local authorities and conservationists will apply for 320,000ha of land on Brisbane's doorstep to be declared a UNESCO biosphere.

Biospheres, applied for through the United Nations, are sites of significant biodiversity that are managed under strict conservation and sustainable development principles...

Read the full article here.

BIODIVERSITY, SUSTAINABILITY: "Mayor angry at biosphere blow"

Caboolture Shire Herald
2 September 2008

MAYOR Allan Sutherland has slammed his Brisbane counterpart as “ignorant” for dismissing a plan to create a 320,000ha UNESCO Biosphere on the D’Aguilar Range.

Brisbane City Council has refused to commit a cent and ridiculed the plan at its meeting last week. “What is this garbage?” Lord Mayor Campbell Newman asked...

Read the full article here.

10 September 2008

SUSTAINABILITY, BUILT ENVIRONMENT: Sustainable House Day, Sunday 14 September 2008 (both Sat and Sun in some regions)

As part of the 7th annual Sustainable House Day, homes across the country will open so others can learn and experience the benefits of all aspects of sustainable living. Over the years that Sustainable House Day has been showing people the benefits of energy efficiency in their homes, there has been a dramatic increase in interest. People now realise they need to reduce their energy, water and waste needs in their home, but are confused on where to start. That’s where Sustainable House Day can help. There is nothing better than talking to people who have already done it. People can learn the good, and the bad, from the home owner’s personal experience and talk to architects, builders and designers.

WASTE MGMT: Sustainable Cities Round Table, 'Waste Not Want Not', 24 September 2008, Melbourne

Free event, RSVP essential to rsvp@sustainablemelbourne.com by 19 September

This Sustainable Cities Round Table will examine the concept of waste – wasted resources, the reuse of waste, the revaluing of waste, waste campaigns and how redesign and absorption within a closed system can transform waste into a resource to create more sustainable cities. The evening will feature a series of short presentations, musical interludes, networking opportunities and more!

WILDLIFE: "SEQ's koala population threatened"

The Brisbane Times
9 September 2008

Rapid urban development in Brisbane's western corridor could eventually wipe out one of Australia's most iconic marsupials, wildlife experts have warned.

State Government satellite data released yesterday, which showed 9000 koalas were among 70 million native animals killed in a single year as a result of land clearing in Queensland, foreshadowed a solemn warning for the state's south-east corner.

Former Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service ranger Ric Nattrass said "mad" residential development west of Ipswich spelt disaster for the region's precious koala population.

"Ipswich is another disaster zone," Mr Nattrass said...

Read the full article here.

WILDLIFE: "Where the wild things are"

The Age
9 September 2008

According to Rodney van der Ree, senior ecologist at the Australian Research Centre for Urban Ecology, only 1.7% of uncleared bushland survives in the inner city - mainly along the Yarra River and places such as Merri Creek.

But there is some good news for our furry (and slimy) friends. Federal and state laws identify and protect threatened species, although conservationists such as Carrie Deutsch from Victoria Naturally Alliance (a coalition of eight environment groups, including the Australian Conservation Foundation) criticise the level of protection that these actually offer.

Read the full article here.

09 September 2008

WASTE MGMT: Clean Up the World Weekend, 19-21 September 2008

Clean Up the World partners with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to inspire and assist communities to "clean up, fix up and conserve their local environment" through carrying out initiatives ranging from waste removal and tree planting to water and energy conservation projects. Clean Up the World and its participating organisations mobilise an estimated 35 million volunteers from more than 100 countries annually and carry out activities and longer-term environmental projects throughout the year however the campaign culminates in the Clean Up the World Weekend in 3rd weekend of September. Getting involved is simple contact the Sydney office of Clean Up the World on 9692 0700 or email info@cleanuptheworld.org.

CLIMATE: Sustain Northern Rivers website launched

Twelve regional peak bodies in the Northern Rivers of NSW are currently negotiating a Climate Change Collaboration Agreement. Their aim is promote a more coordinated approach to climate change in the region by engaging all sections of the community in setting regional climate change action priorities. More details can be found on the projects website www.sustainnorthernrivers.org

FUNDING: WWF congratulates the recipients of Threatened Species Network Community Grants, Round 11

The successful recipients of the most recent round of the Threatened Species Network Community Grant Program have been announced. More than 385 on-ground conservation projects have now been funded over ten rounds of the TSN Community Grants Program, enabling community groups right across Australia to help save threatened species and ecological communities.

ENV EDUCATION: Write it up! workshops NSW mid north coast & Armidale

The Write it up! program has been developed by the Australian Association for Environmental Education to assist educators write up case studies of their projects. Write it up! workshops will be held at:

  • Armidale NSW on Wednesday 17 September, with RSVPs due by Thursday 11 September.
  • Grassy Head on the NSW mid north coast on Friday 19 September, with RSVPs due by Friday 12 September.
To obtain workshop fliers please email Faith Thomas at Living Schools. The Write it up! guide is available for download here.

AWARDS, NSW LOCAL GOV'T: Last chance to enter local government environment awards

NSW Local Government Excellence in the Environment Awards 2007 – 2008
Entries close 12 September 2008

Please do not hide your NRM achievements! Achieving recognition for your ‘good works’ can be an important stimulus to the ongoing improvement of NRM practices at the local government level. Hearing about what has been achieved elsewhere can be the essential motivation that other councils require to improve their NRM practices. The Local Government Excellence in the Environment Awards was initiated by the LGSA in 1998 and are held annually. The Awards are open to all councils in NSW and aim to recognise outstanding achievements by NSW Local Government in managing and protecting the environment. Details of the awards and online entry forms can be can be found here.

07 September 2008

BUILT ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABILITY: New sustainable urban development web portal

Your Development is a new online resource providing practical information on how to create sustainable urban residential developments. The website contains more than 60 fact sheets available as free downloads, providing information on all stages of the development process, from planning and design through to construction, as well as case studies, links and news articles.

BUILT ENVIRONMENT: "Threat to cities worsens as climate change heats up"

The Courier Mail
4 September 2008

BADLY designed cities were capable of killing us at a greater rate than terrorism and the threat was growing, says a Brisbane academic. Queensland University of Technology School of Design Professor Janis Birkeland made the claims at the Subtropical Cities conference in Brisbane.

Even the best "green" buildings, such as the acclaimed North Tower office project unveiled on Tuesday in Brisbane's Fortitude Valley, did nothing to alleviate the effects of global warming, she said. The answer was to design cities which improved the environment...

Read the full article here.

WASTE MGMT, SUSTAINABILITY: 'Stop Food Waste!' campaign

Australians are throwing out three million tonnes of food every year – the equivalent of 145 kilograms for each and every one of us. Notebook: magazine has embarked on a Stop Food Waste! campaign that aims not only to raise awareness of the issue but offers practical solutions on how to plan, shop and cook to eliminate unnecessary food waste.

WATER: Abare paper, 'Urban water management: optimal price and investment policy under climate variability'

Given the increasing scarcity of urban water and the potential for climate change to further reduce water availability and increase variability, there is increased pressure on urban water utilities to implement efficient demand management policies and to make optimal supply augmentation decisions. Currently, urban water demand management predominantly involves the imposition of water restrictions to ration water during times of scarcity. In this Abare paper, scarcity pricing is proposed as an alternative to the use of water restrictions.

WATER: "Drier 'new reality' to cost nation $30 billion to hydrate"

The Age
4 September 2008

AUSTRALIA will spend at least $30 billion finding new sources of water over the next decade, as the nation's biggest water authorities declared yesterday there was no drought, but rather a drier "new reality".

The declaration in the Water Services Association of Australia's annual performance report comes as experts predict Melbourne will need multiple desalination plants to satisfy demand by 2050...

Read the full article here.

WATER: "$50 million for new water research alliance"

Australian Government Media Release
4 September 2008

Minister for Climate Change and Water, Senator Penny Wong, today launched a joint initiative between the Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO that will be the largest water information research project in the southern hemisphere.

The Water Information Research and Development Alliance (WIRADA) is a five-year, $50 million research partnership between Bureau of Meteorology (the Bureau) and CSIRO. It aims to provide a state-of-the-art, national database on Australia's water resources.

Under the Rudd Government's Water for the Future program, the Bureau has the role of reporting on the availability, condition and use of water resources across Australia.

Through the new WIRADA initiative, CSIRO will perform research specifically for the Bureau that will be integrated into the way its water monitoring, analysis and prediction systems are developed...

Read the full media release here.

BUSHCARE: Bushland Management Strategy for Hobart City Council March 2008

The strategy provides an overview of Hobart’s bushland with an accompanying map which illustrates the extent of Hobart’s bushland by tenure. It outlines the statutory and strategic obligations with regard to bushland management, presents a vision statement for driving the future management and protection of Hobart’s bushland, establishes guiding principles that define and distinguish Hobart’s bushland and outlines nine key objectives that will contribute to achieving the long term vision.

It goes on to examine seventeen management issues that relate to the effective management and protection of Hobart’s bushland. Some of the issues include flora management; weed management; Aboriginal heritage management; recreational use of bushland, encroachment and off-reserve impacts; awareness, education and volunteer management; and resources planning and operations.

BUSHCARE, ENV POLICY: "New management for Brisbane’s natural assets"

4 September 2008

...As part of its bid to preserve Brisbane’s natural capital and quality of life, Brisbane City Council asked CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems to assess the feasibility of using asset-based management processes, usually used for urban infrastructure, to help develop a management process for the city’s natural assets.

‘Environmental asset management is being adopted by various other Australian local governments, mainly due to the rapid growth of urban areas being seen across the nation, and with that, the increasing importance of “green” or natural spaces to citizens,’ says Dr Leonie Pearson, an environmental economist with CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems.

‘To date, however, management of natural assets via environmental asset management planning (EAMP) has been done in a piecemeal, ad hoc fashion, highly dependent on the context of application and the perceived need of the management process.’...

Read the full article here.

WILDLIFE: 'Late nights for frog census volunteers'

Sydney Morning Herald
7 September 2008

Amphibian enthusiasts have some long nights ahead in the next few months as they record croaks and calls to map Melbourne's frog population.

The annual spring Frog Census of Melbourne's waterways gets underway on Sunday, with an official launch taking place at Werribee Open Range Zoo on Sunday morning.

Community volunteers record the sound of frog calls at their local rivers, creeks and wetlands, which are then analysed and the call locations plotted on a map...

Read the full article here.

WILDLIFE: 'Operation Possum', ABC 891 Adelaide & UniSA

Operation Possum is a large-scale, community-based study of these creatures in South Australia. ABC 891 Adelaide & UniSA aim to find out about possums and how people interact with them. This study is being conducted by researchers from UniSA with the help of listeners to 891 ABC Adelaide and school children across the state. Everyone in South Australia is invited to participate in this research by completing a public questionnaire which will be available online from Wednesday 20 August for 3 months.

04 September 2008

INCENTIVES: Designer Carrots National Market Based Instruments Forum, 30 Sep - 1 Oct 2008, Brisbane

Whether it's carrots or sticks that you use for natural resource and environmental management, the Designer Carrots National Market Based Instruments (MBIs) Forum has the right incentive for you. The forum is the finale of the one-year National MBI Capacity Building Program. The forum has been specifically designed for policy makers, MBI implementers, and researchers to come together to share ideas and lessons, and to help set the future direction of MBIs in Australia. It forum will include an interesting mix of keynote speakers, panels, facilitated discussions, workshops and a debate.

STREAM MGMT: Stream Management Principles and Practices Workshop, 27-31 Oct 2008, Beechworth Vic

Victoria's North East CMA, in association with eight other organisations (state government, tertiary institutions and Corporates), has announced the 10th Wisewaterways Stream Management Principles and Practices Workshop. This course will be held at La Trobe University, Beechworth Victoria. The aims of this workshop are to provide an integrated approach to Stream Management: Hydrology, Water Quality, Ecology, Riparian Vegetation, Geomorphology and Rehabilitation Techniques; and to provide extensive "hands on" experience through group assignments. People working in, or who are interested in stream management and those involved in on-ground natural resource works programs should consider attending. Cost is $265 for one day or $720 for full workshop attendance. For more information contact Virginia Eckels nemeet@bigpond.com or Lachlan Campbell lachlan.campbell@alpvalleys.com.au.

WEEDS, BUSHCARE: 'What does your garden grow?' education and training resources

The Weeds CRC has developed the What does your garden grow? resources to assist anyone speaking to groups or running courses on weeds. The materials focus on garden escapes and controlling weeds in gardens on the urban fringe areas and bushland areas though parts are relevant to a wider audience. The resources can be used in a flexible way for:

  • short courses
  • short information sessions to garden clubs, Rotary or Lions clubs etc
  • to supplement format training in weeds eg at TAFE and for Ag teachers
  • for landcare/bushcare facilitators for their own information or to provide to volunteers
There are over 150 quality PowerPoint slides all with explanatory notes, factsheets, a participant's workbook and loads of references and web-sites listed and much more.

KNOWLEDGE MGMT, REGIONAL NRM, CLIMATE: actKM conference, 14-15 Oct 2008, Canberra

The 2008 actKM Knowledge Management Conference features a exciting line up of speakers, including:

  • Andrew Campbell, former CEO of Land & Water Australia, on Climate Change and Knowledge
  • Dr. Jane Chrystal from the Central West CMA on their Regional Knowledge Strategy process
  • Dave Snowden - international Knowledge Management guru
  • Matt Moore on Return on Investment for Knowledge Management projects

REGIONAL NRM: "Natural resources management plan 'useless'"

ABC News
3 September 2008

The ACT Conservation Council says a new natural resources management plan for the Territory has no weight because the Government is not obligated to meet its targets.

The ACT Natural Resource Management Council has released a draft plan on the future preservation of natural resources.

The Bush Capital Legacy plan proposes 16 new natural resource management targets for water, biodiversity, land and community.

The Conservation Council's Catherine Potter says the plan is useless unless the Government adopts the targets.

"Unfortunately it doesn't have the teeth that a policy or legislative instrument that came from the ACT Government would have," she said...

Read the full news item here.

ENV EDUCATION: 'On Borrowed Time' Student Learning Resource

David Lindenmayer has developed this student learning resource, made possible with the generous support of the Purves Environmental Fund, based on his book On Borrowed Time. The resource has four inquiry-based teaching and learning units and two decision-making interactives which allow students to reflect, consider and make decisions relating to Australia's biodiversity. David hopes the material will help students to take action towards the conservation of biodiversity on a personal, school and local community level.

BUILT ENVIRONMENT: Lochiel Park ecologically sustainable village

The South Australian Government announced the development of Lochiel Park in 2004 with a clear objective of building ecologically sustainable homes within a natural bush and parkland setting, linking directly with the River Torrens Linear Park. Premier Mike Rann declared Lochiel Park would become an exemplar of the State Government's commitment to sustainable living. "I want South Australia to become the world leader in a new green approach to the way we all live. The Lochiel Park development will become the nation's model "Green Village" incorporating Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) principles."

BUILT ENVIRONMENT: "$7m Lochiel Park green village cost blowout"

3 September 2008

THE cost of the Lochiel Park housing project, approved for $15.4 million by State Cabinet in August, 2005, has blown out by $7 million, a confidential report by the Land Management Corporation reveals...

Read the full article here.

CLIMATE, TRANSPORT: "ACT's Green Vehicle Duty Scheme 'a national first'"

John Stanhope MLA [ACT Government]
2 September 2008

[Australian Capital Territory] Chief Minister and Minister for the Environment and Climate Change, Jon Stanhope and Minister for Territory and Municipal Services John Hargreaves today launched the ACT Government's Green Vehicles Duty Scheme - the first of its kind in Australia.

"The ACT is the first State or Territory in Australia to charge stamp duty based on the environmental performance of new vehicles," Mr Stanhope said. "Our Green Vehicles Duty Scheme is a significant step towards reducing transport emissions in the ACT, which accounts for 25 per cent of our emissions.

"The Green Vehicles Duty Scheme is also one of the many actions to come out of the ACT Government's Climate Change Strategy, Weathering the Change...

Read the full media release here.

CLIMATE, RENEWABLES: "[ACT] Government to go to market on solar power plant"

John Stanhope, MLA [ACT Government]
3 September 2008

A re-elected [Australian Capital Territory] Labor Government will go to the market seeking expressions of interest in constructing a solar power station capable of powering at least 10,000 homes, after a feasibility study gave the project the nod.

Chief Minister Jon Stanhope said the study by Parsons Brinckerhoff, commissioned earlier this year by the ACT Government and ActewAGL, had determined that a solar plant appeared to be feasible...

Read the full media release here.

CLIMATE, RENEWABLES: "Shadow falls over solar panels"

The Sydney Morning Herald
3 September 2008

POPULAR government rebates of up to $8000 for households installing solar panels are one of the most inefficient ways of tackling climate change, according to a report commissioned by the Federal Government.

The report by the former head of the NSW Cabinet Office, Roger Wilkins, concludes that many climate-change programs cost taxpayers significantly more than the environmental benefits they delivered...

Read the full article here.

02 September 2008

REGIONAL NRM: Adelaide Mt Lofty Ranges NRM Board "Get on Board" August newsletter now available

The August Get on Board includes articles on the "Sustainability Street" initiative, rainwater harvesting projects, the water pollution risks posed by weedkiller, water allocation planning, environmental work at Middle Beach, estuary health, and the implementation of the Adelaide and Mt Lofty Ranges Regional NRM Plan.

REGIONAL NRM, ENV EDUCATION: Sydney CMA "Mambara" Spring 2008 newsletter now available

The Mambara Spring 2008 issue focuses on 'Educating for the Environment', and includes interesting profiles of some of Sydney's Environmental Education Centres.

WEEDS, BUSHCARE: The introduced flora of Australia and its weed status

The Weeds CRC's The introduced flora of Australia and its weed status is an invaluable resource to everyone who cares about the Australian environment and wishes to ensure that the plants chosen for revegetation projects, landscaping and gardens are not likely to become weedy and a threat to our bushland. Every introduced plant species, past and present, in Australia is listed in this publication, with information on its weedy status here and worldwide. The resource is available as both an online database and a downloadable PDF.

BUSHCARE: Danger of losing the bush in capital, new report says

The Canberra Times
2 September 2008

Canberra's growth means the bush in ''Bush Capital'' is at risk, a new report warns.

The ACT Natural Resources Management Council issued its draft plan, Bush Capital Legacy: Iconic City, Iconic Natural Assets, yesterday.

''Canberra's population and urban footprint has grown far larger than originally planed or imagined.

''As a consequence, the condition of the 'bush' that surrounds and intersects the city is deteriorating,'' it said...

Read the full article here.

BUSHCARE: Natives struggle on in strangest of places

The Sydney Morning Herald
2 September 2008

NATIVE wildlife is clinging to survival around Sydney, despite habitats being cleared for development or shelled by the army.

A study has found 550 invertebrate species inhabit the 1860 square kilometres controlled by the Sydney Metropolitan Catchment Management Authority. However, 53 species - almost one in 10 - are listed as threatened, including eight rated as endangered...

Read the full article here.

BUSHCARE: Map helps people find and learn about Bushcare groups and projects in Sydney

A new Sydney Metropolitan CMA online map aims to make it easier for new volunteers to find groups close to them, and for the CMA and other interested people to gain a better understanding of where volunteer bushcare groups are working throughout the Sydney region. Bushcare groups in northern local government areas have so far been added to the map, with northern and western groups to be included in the coming months.

LEADERSHIP: "Leading with the Heart" OzGREEN Workshop, 26-28 September 2008, Bucketty NSW

Leading with the Heart begins with a 3-day residential workshop that will enable you to:

  • Strengthen your resilience to face up to global ecological challenges;
  • Harness inner wisdom to create new ways of living;
  • Build rational, emotional and spiritual intelligence;
  • Listen deeply and question strategically;
  • Connect with communities of change locally and globally.
For further information visit the OzGREEN website.

BUILT ENVIRONMENT: Spiritual Design Process - Weekend Residential Workshop, 18-19 October 2008, NSW Southern Highlands

This weekend workshop at Gudhara Holistic Sanctuary will embrace design as a spiritual process. It will tap the essence of mystic cultures and meditation to unfold a deeper awareness of the design environment. From a foundation of self awareness you will learn how to harness the spirit of form and space when undertaking design. This will be learnt and applied practically through design exercises and group discussion. You will be introduced to Ayurvedic and Kabbalah traditions of manifestation used in ancient times to create works of art and architectural masterpieces. These will both empower and expand your own personal design process as well as increasing your integrity as a designer.

The concept of designer as medium will be explored both in terms of relationship to the client as well as the natural environment. This will provide the ability to objectively formulate the brief at the front end of the design while maintaining a sensitivity to client aspirations, cultural perspectives and other important aspects of the project which may not be immediately evident. Yoga (meaning union) will be used as a design tool to enhance the perception and feeling of the built environment. This technique will be developed and experienced through instruction and practical exercise during the course of the workshop.

CLIMATE: New Climate Movement website launched

A new, updated, more streamlined and user-friendly version of the www.climatemovement.org.au website has been launched for all climate action groups in Australia! If you identify as a climate action group (CAG) and want to connect (virtually/face-to-face) with the growing number of community CAGs around Australia, you can start this by registering on the site.

CLIMATE: ACF Climate Change Action Kit

Get your FREE Climate Change Action Kit today and you’ll have all the information and tools you need to make a real difference and help reduce global warming. The Climate Change Action Kit contains a variety of tips and tools including:

  • 'Australia’s Inconvenient Truth’ – this booklet provides an overview of climate change, its impact on Australia and solutions we can adopt today
  • Handy GreenHome tips for making simple changes in your life to reduce your greenhouse pollution
  • Act now on Climate Change, sticker
  • Fridge Magnet with GreenHome tips
  • A letter for you to send to your Federal MP urging greater Government action on climate change
  • Ways for you to become part of a growing community of Australians committed to tackling climate change
To get your FREE Climate Change Action Kit, fill out the form on the ACF website and it will be sent to you (valid for Australian only).

CLIMATE: Make Poverty History Climate Change Resource Kit

People need to hear about the human impact of climate change, and you can help. Make Poverty History has created some fantastic resources to help you get people's attention, inform them and inspire them to act:

  • 15 minute climate change DVD to make it easier to spread the word
  • Our quiz will tell you how much you know about climate change
  • Stickers and posters to get yourself noticed
  • Brochures you can hand out
  • A petition you can ask supporters to sign
  • There's a media guide to help you write to the media if you’re going to run an event or maybe a quiz night
  • A guide to write to Senator Penny Wong, the Minister for Climate Change and Water, urging the Government to reduce the impacts of climate change in the developing world

To request your kit fill in the online form.

CLIMATE: New Transition Sydney group tackles peak oil and climate change

Transition Sydney is a recently formed group of Sydney people whose concern about the impact of climate change and peak oil on our way of life calls us to do something practical about it through a Transition Towns initiative. Action is needed at the local level to help communities transition to the new realities these forces will bring. Our focus is on the Greater Sydney Region. The action projects the group aims to encourage and support will be at the suburb and precinct level, but local energy, food and water dependencies span the entire Sydney Basin ‘bioregion' and beyond, and local solutions need to take these into account.

CLIMATE: Australian expert says sea levels to rise four metres

Radio Australia
19 August 2008

An Australian climate change expert says the world's sea levels could rise by up to four meters this century.

The head of the climate change unit at the Australian National University and science adviser to the federal Government, Professor Will Steffen, says he believes the scientific community is underestimating the speed at which the climate is changing...

Read the full article here.

CLIMATE: Demand for solar through the roof

The Canberra Times
22 August 2008

DEMAND for rooftop solar systems is growing so quickly that people are being forced to wait for up to nine months before they can be installed.

Figures from the Department of the Environment show that applications for the Federal Government's $8000 rebates continue to pour in at the rate of up to 700 a week, even though a new income test of $100,000 was introduced in the budget...

Read the full article here.

CLIMATE, BIODIVERSITY: "Saving a Sunburnt Country? The challenges of species adaptation in a heating land", NSW NCC Conference, 12-13 Nov 2008, Sydney

This conference will be relevant to those working on the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems at all levels of government, in the private sector and in the community. The ground breaking conference aims to provide access to the latest research on the challenges of assisting mitigation and adaptation for biodiversity and ecosystems under climate change, an overview of current policy and planning, and examples of innovation from government, academics and the community. Speakers contributing to the conference are from major university research centres on climate change, the CSIRO, federal and state government departments, councils, catchment management authorities, the private sector, non-government organisations and the community.

CLIMATE, SOCIETY: Journey of Mankind - The Peopling of the World

The Bradshaw Foundation, in association with Stephen Oppenheimer presents a virtual global journey of modern man over the last 160,000 years. The map shows for the first time the interaction of migration and climate over this period. We are the descendants of a few very small groups of tropical Africans who united in the face of adversity, not only to the point of survival but to the development of sophisticated social interaction and culture expressed through many forms. Based on a synthesis of the mtDNA and Y chromosome evidence with archaeology, climatology and fossil study, Stephen Oppenheimer has tracked the routes and timing of migration, placing it in context with ancient rock art around the world.

SUSTAINABILITY: 'Integrating Sustainability in Local Government' NSW DECC Conference, 24-25 November 2008, Sydney

The NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change (DECC) with the NSW Environmental Trust invite directors, managers, councillors and sustainability project managers from local and state government to this two day symposium. Realising sustainable development in communities across NSW is the most significant and complex dilemma of our time. The challenge today is not one of isolated action but integration – how can we manage diverse issues, priorities and expectations to deliver sustainable development? For more information contact Victoria Coleman, Project Officer, DECC victoria.coleman@environment.nsw.gov.au and to register your interest contact Julie McGraw, GEMS Event Management jmcgraw@gemspl.com.au.

CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT: ABC Catchment Detox online game

Catchment Detox challenges you to repair a damaged river catchment and create a sustainable and thriving economy. It's an online game where you're in charge of the whole catchment. You get to decide what activities you undertake - whether to plant crops, log forests, build factories or set up national parks. The aim is to fix environmental problems and provide food and wealth for the population. Managing Australia 's waterways is a huge challenge with climate change, increased demand for water and environmental problems putting our rivers under stress. Catchment Detox gives an idea of just how difficult it is to manage a river catchment.

WETLANDS: WetlandCare National Art Competition 2009

To celebrate World Wetlands Day 2009 on 2 February, WetlandCare Australia is hosting its 2nd annual Australia-wide art competition, offering categories for both children and adults. The Sydney Metropolitan Catchment Management Authority is a proud sponsor of the Major Open Art Category, which includes merit awards for artworks with a specific focus on Urban Wetlands. Entries close 5.00pm 5 December 2008.