Greenhouse gases going up. Oil and gas depleting. House prices exploding. Overloading Australia explains why - and how to stop it. The press of numbers on this continent affects us all - those living, as well as those yet to be born. To talk of saving the environment or of climate change is meaningless if we won't address population - a subject some think too hot for public debate. In a score of punchy chapters, authors Mark O'Connor and William Lines challenge the myths, expose the facts, and dent the denial industry. They blow the whistle on population-foolish policies that lead to clogged roads, water shortages, scarce food, and no place for refugees. They provide new ways to think about these issues and arguments covering a limit to Australia's future population-size. This is a book that will revolutionise the green and political debates, on population and immigration, currently, one of the hottest political issues.