Australian Network for Plant Conservation - 2nd National Forum -
‘Minding our own biodiversity: conservation on private land’
Thursday 30 April – Friday 1 May 2009
Halls Gap, The Grampians, Victoria
Don’t miss this timely forum! Register NOW!
Registrations close Friday 17 April
ANPC's second national forum will focus on conservation outside the formal reserve system, whether on small blocks, production properties, large landscape level efforts or cross-tenure projects. It will highlight the people and places involved and investigate the incentives and support available.
The forum will include presentations, case studies, facilitated discussion sessions and field visits to project sites. Many landholder presenters will give participants the benefit of their on-ground experience.
This is your opportunity to participate, learn, contribute, debate and move this essential component of biodiversity conservation forward.
For further information, program, registration visit ANPC Conferences or contact the ANPC office on 02 6250 9509.
Keep an eye on the website for program updates (there are some gaps in the draft program as many of our Victorian colleagues are currently deployed with bushfire responsibilities).
Private land is the key to linking biodiversity conservation across the landscape.