For full details and booking forms for the training courses below visit the Enabling Change website.
Enabling Change
Designing professional behaviour change projects
Transform your abilities as a change agent with this enjoyable, hands-on workshop. You'll get valuable insights into the psychology of behaviour change, inspiring case studies and a proven step-by-step project design methodology. Whether you're working in the area of climate change, healthy living, road safety or water conservation you'll never think about change, or design change projects, the same way again. Over 2000 Australian government professionals have so far attended this popular workshop.
Sydney: 23-24 February
Melbourne: 5-6 March [Note change of dates - was 4-5 March]
Perth: 9-10 March
Proactive Community Engagement Designing positive, productive community consultation projects
There's plenty of room for improvement in the way government agencies and councils engage their communities in plan-making. This intensive hands-on workshops demystifies the concepts, introduces vital understandings from the psychology of risk communication and guides participants through a simple, effective template to design more effective projects. Last year over 200 professionals, mainly in local government, attended this training, with rave reviews (and an average satisfaction rate of 92%).
Sydney: 26-27 February
Melbourne: 2-3 March [Note change of dates - was 17-18 Feb]
Perth: 12-13 March